
15) Tuesdays at the Castle

Bibliography: George, Jessica Day; Tuesdays at the Castle; Bloomsbury; New York; 2011; 240 pages; ISBN 978-1-5999-06-447.

Plot: When Glower Castle gets bored, it adds rooms and this usually happens on Tuesdays.  Princess Celie is trying to create an atlas of the castle and is very good at doing so.  The castle also decides on the Kings of Sleyne, including her father and his successor, her brother, Rolf.   On a journey back from Sleyne, the King and Queen are ambushed and declared dead.  It is up to Rolf to take over as King, but the castle hasn’t shown the siblings that the King is actually dead.  The siblings must work together, to take back the castle, after the Council shows signs of treason.  Tuesdays at the Castle is a fast-paced read for any lover of adventure.
Review:  I picked this book out of the list of downloadable books through my library.  I liked the cover and thought it looked like a cute book.  I was hooked by the end of the first chapter.  Any lovers of medieval fantasy will love the story of Celie and her siblings.  Celie is a great protagonist.  She is clever and brave.  Even though she is the youngest sibling, the other siblings know to listen to her when it comes to the castle.  Without her help, the siblings could have ended up in a much different fate.  The castle is a like another sibling, with Celie able to speak to the castle and ask for its help.  The story line moves fast and the book sort of just ends with questions not completely answered.  I was left wanting to learn more about the members of the family.  Hopefully, this will not be the only story of Princess Celie and the great Glower Castle.

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Interest Level: age 9 to 12

Related Books: The Castle of Lyr by Lloyd Alexander; Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris; The Silver Crown by Robert C. O’Brien

Celie – The protagonist
Lilah – The older sister
Rolf – The successor to the throne
The Castle
Prince Lulath – a visitor to the castle from Grath and an ally to the family
Prince Khelsh – trying to take over the castle, the antagonist

Author Information: http://www.jessicadaygeorge.com/

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