
25) The Misfits

Bibliography: Howe, James; The Misfits; Aladdin Paperbacks; New York; 2001; 274 pages; ISBN 0-689-83956-1.

Plot: Bobby is sick of the names that everyone calls him at school.  When his friend Addie decides to start up a third political party for the school elections, he suggests that instead of fighting for freedom they fight to stop name calling.  Bobby and his three friends, also known as the Gang of Five, start a list of all the names they have been called ever since kindergarten.  This list contains 72 names.  Seeing this, the group decides to stand up against bullying and creates the No-Name Political Party.
Review:  I found this book so inspiring. Everyone can relate to being called a name at some time or another.  Maybe the name is as simple as “geek” or as cruel as “fatso.”  No matter the name, it starts to define that person’s character.  Bobby and his friends are sick of being called names and they decide to stand up for what they know is right.  This book should be used in every middle school to show students the effects of the words they say. 
Bobby is a great person to have narrate this novel.  Even though he has been affected by the names he has been called, he still has the right frame of mind to know how to deal with it properly.  If this book had been narrated by Addie, not as many students would find inspiration in the novel.

Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction/Coming of Age

Interest Level: age 10-14

Related Books: Rivals by Tim Green; Revenge of the Snob Squad by Julie Anne Peters; Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff.

Bobby – the narrator
Joe – Bobby’s friend.  He is gay.
Addie – Bobby’s friend since birth.  She wants to change the world starting with the middle school.
Skeezie – Bobby’s friend.

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