
49) Girlslife.com

Girlslife.com provided by Girls’ Life Acquisition Co.

Summary:  Girls’ Life magazine first hit newsstands in August of 1994.  It is currently considered as the #1 magazine for ten to fifteen year old girls.  Girls’ Life and Girlslife.com contains information for tween girls and advice on academic success, peer pressure, time management, stress-relieving ideas, and self-esteem.  Currently the topics covered in the magazine can be found online at girlslife.com.  The website offers a penpal program, games, and discussion boards.   Girls’ Life is the recipient of multiple Parents’ Choice Gold Awards and multiple The Parent’s Guide to Children’s Media Awards.  It is also the choice magazine of Girl Scouts of America and the official book for Take Our Daughters to Work Day. 

Review:  When I first logged onto girlslife.com, I was bombarded by zooming advertisements and requests to subscribe to the magazine.  Changing pages also allowed the advertisements to zoom onto the page.  It wasn’t until I registered with the website that I was able to get rid of the advertisements.  The pages are very busy with a three column setup.  The left column advertised books published by Girls’ Life, Twitter and Facebook updates, and selected beauty product links.  The main column provides links to the day’s top articles.  The right column features polls, beauty videos, and featured giveaways.  The top of the webpage offers links to the different topics that Girls’ Life focuses on, including, guys, advice, entertainment, style and health & fitness.  Each top link sends the viewer to articles on each topic.  The website is very busy but I think it is good for tweens since they need things to catch their attention.  Navigating the website is very easy and finding an article on what you are looking for is quite simple.  The website says that it is appropriate for girls ten and up, but I feel that some of the topics are a little old for younger tweens.  I would suggest that parents wait until their tweens have hit junior high before introducing them to this website.

Genre:  Website

Interest Level:  ages 10 to 15

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